Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Question of Grave Import

Have you ever noticed that often, when you're trying to tear open something in plastic packaging (like, for example, a mustard packet), it has a marker (a little black stripe, or even a 'Tear Here' indicator), but then it turns out to be easier to tear it open somewhere else on the package?

Have you?

Is it just me?

What's up with that?

Your comments are welcome.

A special thanks to "rachel", whose name, which more of my friends have than any other name, gives me so little clue as to which of my friends, if any, she actually is, but whose readership and encouragement I appreciate nonetheless.


Blogger lee said...

Commenting to my own post? Yeah, that's what I'm doing.

I think I figured out which Rachel "rachel" is, having found an earlier anonymous post which belies her true identity. And I think she implied that she found this place via Google (how else?).

I'm pretty sure that means she's been Googling herself (which is funny) and has thus actually totally unexpectedly validated an earlier post in which I pondered that very possibility (which is funnier).

I won't do it, but if ever there was cause for me to shut down this blog, it having served its true and otherwise non-existent existential purpose, this would be it.

Just be glad I'm not more attached to ironic circularity (be glad, that is, if you like this blog).

4:16 PM  
Blogger cmraz said...

nope. it's just you.

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only ever use the indicated tear spot when it is actually a partial perforation. What I find despicable: cereal bags that will not open at all and then suddenly tear apart down the middle, there's no easy way to pour after that.

Also, I think I originally found your blog because a window was left open on David's computer possibly from when you posted that original post about googling. What I think is also interesting is that at one point I thought you had gotten rid of this blog because "Google" would no longer bring it up when my name was typed in. I then discovered Google Blogsearch...a specialized engine for blogs specific. And then I found it again...and now I just have the address memorized, less because I have an amazing memory, more because it's easy once you think about it.


8:35 PM  
Blogger lee said...

Well, so much for unexpected validation and ironic circularity.

Bloggy. Very bloggy.

2:13 PM  

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