Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I'm feeling bloggy, so I'll blog.

"I wanna frollic scientifically."

How true.

That's a Quote of the Day, and it's Number 4.

I think it's funny, but it's definitely funnier if you know Maggaggie and can imagine her saying it (she was complaining that a friend of hers gets to go do something cool, while she doesn't really know what to do).

Maggaggie is one of many people who, I'm quite sure, don't read this blog. It is my impression that the group of people who don't read this blog is quite large, but how large exactly? How about, just this once (and any other time I feel like it), you post a comment if you are reading this? You don't actually have to say anything, just indicate your name somehow.

Until recently, I was under the impression that these, our little 'network' of 'blogs', were only being read by the people who have blogs (which if true, might I add, makes the whole thing seem slightly solipsistic), but now Cram Raisin's commentacious last entry (yes, that's right Jimijimjim, two can play at that game) has proven me wrong. And that got me wondering.

If you do feel like telling me something, tell me your favorite of something in a unique category. By which I mean, pick a category of things (favorite letter of the alphabet or something) that you think noone else would think to pick (so, for example, not 'favorite letter of the alphabet'), and then tell your favorite of that thing. It's a game I just invented because I'm bored and tired all at once, and, as I mentioned, I'm feeling bloggy.

This is especially ridiculous because I am really just talking about (or I think I am just talking about) one person. So this is the equivalent of if I thought I was talking to someone behind me, but instead of turning around I just shouted everything I had to say while facing away from that person, only to find out that there was nobody there and I was shouting at myself. I like the word solipsistic, so I'll use it again. But go ahead, surprise me.


Blogger cmraz said...

My current favorite way of eating eggs: hard-boiled.

11:02 PM  
Blogger kitschtastic said...

um, hi. my favorite thing to use as bookmarks? old movie stubs.

bonus: my favorite concert i saw two days ago? tv on the radio.

3:59 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

These are the favorite things I've had to make up for my job:

My favorite princess is Belle.
My favorite prince is Aladdin.
My favorite engine is Gordon.
My favorite snack is chips and salsa.
My favorite color is blue.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

My favorite band to listen to while driving in the mid-west? Wilco.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite reoccurring thrift store purchase: little wooden shelves.

r to the db.

go google.

4:14 PM  

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