Monday, November 06, 2006

Where'd Lee go?

Was this an elaborate test to see if you would still be checking his blog after three weeks of silence? Has nothing even remotely blogworthy happened to him in that time? Or has Lee, failing to take care of himself, finally succumbed to a fainting spell from which even the prayer of a devout Christian could not save him?

No. But it turns out, the only thing worse than blogging everything that happens is thinking about blogging everytime something happens. And then blogging about that. When everything seems so blogworthy, does that mean everything's terrible or it's great? Can I tell, anymore? Maybe I can by blogging.

And then I'm wondering, "How good can a blog be if it talks so much about being a blog?"

Yeah, that's right. This good.


Today I saw a large sign next to the highway which said in bright red neon letters: "Jesus Christ cares about you".

This makes me worry about what the word "cares" actually means.

I care about you.


Blogger cmraz said...

welcome back, Lee.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

It's good to have to back in the blogosphere. The air is cleaner up here, and by cleaner I mean clogged with useless drivel like this blog, the one by yours truly and you know who who's comment lies above this one.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

While I thank you for this most interesting treatise on the nature of blogging, I still don't know where you are or what you're up to. I guess I'll have to break down and give you a call.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

I actually meant to say "...clogged with pablum..."

6:17 PM  

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