Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ah, hello. In the past two days, there have been two coincidences in my life, close together both chronologically and in general cause, which were a bit strange, fun, and totally blogworthy (yes, that's right, blogworthy. One word, no hyphen. I am hereby declaring that blogworthy is a word. Googling "blogworthy" gives 151,000 results, yet it is recognized by neither nor (nor even its bastard cousin, and having perused the first three search results, I am quite confident that there is not yet a campaign to put this word into full use. I am thus, in this over-long parenthetical note to an otherwise blogworthy entry, declaring that blogworthy should be used not only when directly referring to blogs (i.e. "Everything Lee writes in his blog is so damn blogworthy. Damn.") but also in everyday language (i.e. "Wow, that story is so blogworthy", "So, anything blogworthy happen to you lately?" or "Oh man, the most blogworthy thing just happened", etc.) It bears noting that I have just used parentheses inside my original parentheses, and that I'm only even pointing that out in order to avoid doing this: "))", which is totally ridiculous.).

So, two blogworthy coincidences in the past two days. No foolin'. First: for the past week I've been staying at Becca K-S's house with Rachel K O. Becca was away for most of the week, but I stayed an extra night to hang out with her. My next destination was Seattle, and my friend Jarret's mom Fran's friend Candis is living in Seattle, so I am staying with her. I had told her I was coming, and then, in order to see Becca, told her instead it would be the next morning on the 9am bus. For some reason, in conversation, Becca mentioned her mom's best friend Nancy who she then remembered I had met at Jarret's little brother's Bar Mitzvah, where I found out that Nancy knew Becca. Because I knew Nancy was a friend of Fran (since she was at the Bar Mitzvah) I mentioned in passing that maybe Nancy and Candis know each other. To which Becca replied "you're going to stay with Candis?" As it turns out, Nancy had visited a few months ago, and she brought Candis down to Olympia to visit Becca, so they know each other. This was a bit odd.

Because I stayed an extra evening to see Becca, I took the 9am bus on Saturday (that in itself, those who know me will attest, was wildly unlikely). As I was riding the bus, a guy got on who I thought I recognized, and so I kept sort of awkwardly glancing at him, and by the time we were approaching the end of the line I thought he was actually someone I knew, decided I would ask him, and, having assumed I was probably wrong, had also decided that he already thought I was extremely crazy and creepy (and possibly attracted to him). So we both got off of the bus, and he actually turned to me and said "Lee?" at which point I said, "Will?" Between 11th and 12th grades, I did a Jewish youth trip to Montana to do Habitat work. Will was pretty much my best friend on the trip, but I hadn't spoken to him or heard anything about him since the trip, which was about 6 years ago. He was from New York, but we ran into each other at 10am on a Saturday in Tacoma, WA. We chatted for a while, and there were a few other coincidences as well. He has known our good friend Avi K since he was in elementary school. Also, I had gone hiking with him and our trip leader in Glacier National Park during the program, and we both ended up writing college essays about the experience. We determined that we might hang out in Seattle or somewhere else on the west coast, but that either way we'll keep in touch through the magic of Facebook.

Neither was really a big deal, I know, but putting them together in such a short timespan, my mind was sufficiently boggled.

Here's something else:

In their bathroom, Candis and Ted have a book called The World's Shortest Stories which are the winning results of a contest asking authors to write a fiction piece of 55 words or less. The stories are okay, but I really like the concept. So here's the first one; it's from the "With Murder in Mind" section and it is a pretty good example:

BEDTIME STORY by Jeffrey Whitmore

"Careful, honey, it's loaded," he said, re-entering the bedroom.

Her back rested against the headboard. "This for your wife?"

"No. Too chancy. I'm hiring a professional."

"How about me?"

He smirked. "Cute. But who'd be dumb enough to hire a lady hit man?"

She wet her lips, sighting along the barrel.

"Your wife."


That has nothing to do with anything, but I don't know, I guess it's blogworthy.



Blogger cmraz said...

your mom is blogworthy.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

There is a cartoon in this week's New Yorker of a woman yelling at her husband and the husband is saying "You might to save that for your blog." I feel that the use of the word blogworthy could have made it a better cartoon.

1:56 PM  
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