Friday, March 23, 2007

You Know What I Hate?

Two posts in one day? Surely I must be drunk.

You know what I hate? When you're sweeping something up, and you use a dustpan, and there's a little line of dust that you can't quite get into the dustpan. And you keep sweeping the line up into a little pile, and then you try again, but every time you try there's still that little line of dust in the tiny space between the dustpan and the floor.

I hate that. Can nothing be done? Is the only recourse to just sweet away the tiny line, under a couch or out the door? Are these tiny lines of dust just accumulating everywhere, forever to plague us with a lack of fastidious, OCD-level cleanliness? Has the world gone mad (or was it always that way)?

Your comments are, as always, welcome.


Blogger kitschtastic said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:33 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

Um, it's called a dust-buster. Oh shit, there I go being pragmatic again...
However, this comment is coming from someone who sweeps his rug (apparently not consistently pragmatic), because he owns no vacuum, so I too suffer from the sequence of dust lines approaching zero only in infinite time.

1:42 AM  
Blogger cmraz said...

use a mop, jackass.

1:07 PM  

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