Friday, November 17, 2006

A footnote (that's why it's so small):

By an utter coincidence, ZeFrank is featured in this week's movie-themed New York Times Magazine. I would make that blue with underlining and have it change your arrow to a pointy hand, but a NYTimes account is needed to read the article online (sorry, buddy, you'll have to change your arrow to a pointy hand somewhere else).

Anyway, ZeFrank is, I think, one of those things the design of which is to make you feel like you're the only one who's heard of it (him?), and so you get really excited to have discovered something so sincere and private and neat. But then it turns out that, according to the Magazine, each installment of "The Show" is viewed by 200,000 people, which is a lot of people. Still, his very ability to create that false sense of intimacy (which, despite the potential paradox involved, may still not be as false as the numbers would seem to indicate) is quite impressive and also quite enjoyable.

I figure I might as well enjoy the "false" intimacy while I can, but not get used to it; the problem with "discovering" a gem is that if it's really that good, then it's unlikely to stay a secret (though of course, this is true in some cases even if it's not really that good). ZeFrank did, after all, just have his face published in the New York Times Magazine.

For the moment I can still think of myself as one of the few, the proud, the little duckie-in-the-pond-liking hard-charger-hating sportsracers. Granted, "few" would seem to include hundreds of thousands of people, but the feeling is still there, and I hope it lasts. Then again either way, since The Show will apparently only run for a few more months, I guess it won't.

Incidentally, I knew him which I mean, before he started doing The Show, a few years ago, I used to visit his website. So I was probably one of the first in tens of thousands, rather than hundreds of thousands, to have 'discovered' him. Yay.

The feeling of intimacy aside, he's funny. I'm now wondering if you (the slightly less than 200,000 who read my blog) have all already heard of him. If you hadn't, check him out. If you had, why didn't you ever mention it? You probably thought it was just your little secret. Or maybe you just didn't like him.
Back to my old ways again...

Cram Raisin, this one's for you.

Yes, that's right, I'm blogging another blog. But it's a video blog. Plus, I've decided that the world should become all-blog. All communication should soon transform into blogging, so that the word blogworthy (having been so popular) will be reduced to obsolescence, because there will be nothing communicable that isn't blogworthy. Blogging about blogs will be known, simply as "blogging" (which will have replaced the word "living").

Or maybe it's not a blog, maybe it's a show. It's called "The Show", so that might be a hint. (It's actually called "The Show with ZeFrank".)

Anyway, he (Ze Frank) is cool. His site is cool, his "show" is cool, his video blog is cool. And he lives in Brooklyn, so we should all become his best friend.

Never heard of Ze Frank? Now you have.

Heard of Ze Frank? Now you have some more.

Just a taste. Yum.


Friday, November 10, 2006

"I am cruising because I have dedicated myself to all that is creative and destructive in my life right now, and I am equally in love with every aspect of my life and all the ingredients that have caused me turmoil and all the ingredients that have caused me glory. I am the living whispered warning in the Roman general's ear: 'Glory is fleeting', and in that verb, that active verb, 'fleeting', there I live, there I reside in this moment. I have dedicated myself to the idiom, 'I don't know', and am in love with the frantic chaos of this limitless universe."

If you live in New York City, if you want to live in New York City, or if you don't want to live in New York City, I think you should see this film.

Surely this is not the best film I have ever seen, but it is one of the most elegant and simply enjoyable films I have seen in a while; I think you should see this film.

It is also worth noting that if there is to be or has already been a definitive tribute to the World Trade Center, to the buildings themselves, there are parts of this film which should absolutely be included. But I have already said enough; I think you should see this film.

Incidentally, this is apparently the only movie that Bennett Miller directed before he directed Capote. I have not seen Capote, but I would still make a significant wager that, at least in some significant way, this is a better film. I don't really know, but perhaps you should just see this film.

A special thanks to Mary Wegmann, who may never read this.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Where'd Lee go?

Was this an elaborate test to see if you would still be checking his blog after three weeks of silence? Has nothing even remotely blogworthy happened to him in that time? Or has Lee, failing to take care of himself, finally succumbed to a fainting spell from which even the prayer of a devout Christian could not save him?

No. But it turns out, the only thing worse than blogging everything that happens is thinking about blogging everytime something happens. And then blogging about that. When everything seems so blogworthy, does that mean everything's terrible or it's great? Can I tell, anymore? Maybe I can by blogging.

And then I'm wondering, "How good can a blog be if it talks so much about being a blog?"

Yeah, that's right. This good.


Today I saw a large sign next to the highway which said in bright red neon letters: "Jesus Christ cares about you".

This makes me worry about what the word "cares" actually means.

I care about you.