Monday, January 25, 2010

"Going to war without France

is like going deer hunting without an accordion."

This quote is a propos of nothing, and even said by someone I probably don't much like (Jed Babbin, former United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defensen under Bush Jr). Still, I just saw Hotel Rwanda, and I'm feeling negative about the French. I realize that's not the most obvious reaction (the most obvious reaction, of course, is general horror, which I am also feeling; if anybody has any lovely ideas for fixing the world's fundamental flaws, I'll be milling it over for the next couple of days at least). In any case, France is (or at least was, 15 years ago) deplorable, and I think that quote is hilarious, even though I though hating on France because they didn't support us in Iraq was, at the very least, entirely besides the point.

You know what else is entirely besides the point? Hating on France because of what happened in Rwanda. Let's all do something else because of what happened in Rwanda. In the meantime, I'm giving up on this blog post, which can only be made worth a damn if someone puts a generally interesting thought in the comments about Rwanda, what happened, what we could have done about it, what we can do to make sure things like that happen less frequently, what we can do, in general, to make the world a genuinely better place. Being a vegetarian and voting for NPR just isn't doing it for me anymore.

I meant 'donating to NPR' but I'm going to leave it the way it is.

This post is over.


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