Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I feel this blog has lost steam. At one point, it had a little steam, and now it seems to have lost it. It has been reduced to the occasional complaint, even now about how occasional and pointless it is.

How sad. Well, not that sad...

How about I post a quote from a friend of mine I thought was funny? How about that? I don't think she'd want me to use her name, but she said:

"The default status of mankind is stupidity."

So there that is. I don't entirely disagree, which is to say I don't agree entirely.

Ripped off.

Poster bored.


P.S. Before things get better, they'll get worse. And after things getter better, they'll get worse. But also vice versa, so that's nice.

I realize this has not engendered comments, but go ahead and post one anyway.

I know what you're thinking: "But there's no topic. How can we post a comment with no topic? We're avid readers, but without some sort of a prompt, how can we react in a way that seems pithy and relevant?"

Well, I hear you. So....

PINEAPPLE or MANGO? Which is better?

(There is, by the way, a right answer to this question, and I will reveal it later.)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Here's a fun little game

If you're feeling something, especially something awful but for which there is a common phrase:

Google it. Then read all the trite and cliche remarks people have to say about it, all the opposing viewpoints and advices, all the WikiAnswers.

Feel like you are not special, and your feelings are not special, and you're just another stupid person with some stupid problem, even if it feels like it's filling your world and causing it tear at the seams. Feel pointless. Feel lost.

Feel better (or worse, I'm not sure yet).