Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's the good advice that you just can't take

(And who woulda thought, it figerrrs)

Good and obvious advice that I just can't take:

Just close your eyes and jump in.



Friday, August 24, 2007

Emily did not start a grassroots campaign

for this book her company is publishing, and I am not part of any such campaign.

I just thought it was funny.

A special thanks to Emily, who may never read this.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Question of Grave Import

Have you ever noticed that often, when you're trying to tear open something in plastic packaging (like, for example, a mustard packet), it has a marker (a little black stripe, or even a 'Tear Here' indicator), but then it turns out to be easier to tear it open somewhere else on the package?

Have you?

Is it just me?

What's up with that?

Your comments are welcome.

A special thanks to "rachel", whose name, which more of my friends have than any other name, gives me so little clue as to which of my friends, if any, she actually is, but whose readership and encouragement I appreciate nonetheless.