Friday, June 22, 2007

A New Kind of Despair

I had a dream last night in which Barack Obama died. I'm not generally particularly in favor of people dying, but I was still surprised how upset I was. I felt a weird sort of despair regarding the effect it would have on the upcoming primaries. I wasn't upset that Obama wouldn't be the candidate, just that he wouldn't be one of the choices.

Dreams are odd.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Feeding the Machine

Work sucks.

But shredders are fun.

Happy Birthday Cram Raisin.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The 43 Staples

Today, the goal is to turn what is actually only a couple of hours worth of work into a 6 hour day. My boss isn't here and she left me with not really enough work to do, but I still want to have a reason to stay until 5pm.

And it is in that spirit that I have just removed 43 staples, and a few paperclips, from a bundles of papers, all with my eyes closed.

It is also in that spirit that, having completed my task, I counted the staples to find out that there were 43.
