Thursday, January 15, 2009

From a forward I just received:

"This Chinese Proverb Brings Luck.

It Originated From The Netherlands."

Also, apparently my luck "Will Arrive By Mail Or Via The Internet". All I can say is that, in my experience, luck of any kind coming through the mail or the internet is about as likely as a Chinese Proverb coming from The Netherlands.

Maybe a Chinese person moved to the Netherlands and then wrote the proverb...?

Why I am even still writing about this? Also, if 20 people read this blog, and I give the gist of the message ('money can buy you stuff, but not the really important valuable stuff, y'know like love and stuff') then do I get my luck?

Who am I kidding? If 20 people read this blog, then I will have already received my luck through the internet.

How Zen.

P.S. That thing about money is true; it doesn't buy you love or a real home or time. But it will buy you ice cream, which is extremely yummy.

one of them's got eyes

as big as jolly ranchers